ALTEN commits to promoting gender equality in scientific fields - ALTEN Belgium

ALTEN commits to promoting
gender equality in scientific fields


ALTEN’s women and men are the driving force behind our organisation.

It is essential that we develop, accompany, and promote our internal talents, to enable us to respond to our customers’ needs. ALTEN’s drive for excellence is based on its strong commitment to diversity and inclusion, and particularly on its conviction that women have much to offer in the technical and scientific fields. Nevertheless, there are still too few young women who lean towards scientific and engineering careers.

« The position of women in the industry is a real societal issue. At ALTEN, we are working to raise awareness and persuade women to join technical and scientific fields.»

Simon Azoulay, Chair & CEO of ALTEN Group


Claudia Arrigo
Senior Managing Director


Shruti Bandyopadhyaya
Technical Leader


Samridhi Langer
Senior Software Consultant

Female ALTEN:

The Women@ALTEN Community

Through the Women@ALTEN network, the ambition is to bring together women and men from around the world to discuss gender diversity and equality.

To combat certain widespread stereotypes and misconceptions is one of our commitments

The Stories of Women in Engineering portfolio
In 2024, the eighth edition of Stories of Women in Engineering will feature the testimonies of women from 16 different countries at the forefront of technological transformation. These female mentors are passionate about their profession and their stories have inspired us. Each recount, in their own way, the countless career opportunities offered in science and engineering. By sharing the everyday stories of female role models, ALTEN contributes to building awareness around the vital and dynamic roles of women in the technical and scientific fields.

Write the story with us!